10 weeks old
In the last week or so you decided that getting your diaper changed isn’t the end of the world ( most of the time anyway) and its such a nice change. I feel so bad when you scream bloody murder when I take your pants off or unsnap your outfit. Now you usually just watch me or look around.
Something hit me the other day and I thought it might be a good idea to put your mobile over the changing table. I wish I would have thought of it weeks before. I could kick myself. I don’t think the mobile is what made you hate diaper changes less but its a hoot watching you take an interest in it. I spin it and you wiggle in delight. It is the cutest thing ever.

Isn’t she beautiful? I love that little polka-dotted outfit. Purple really is her color!
Thank you. I agree purple is her color.
That is so cute. Good job on the mobile, KK put a wind chime up for Livi at her house. Love you J