Ultimate Blog Party 2009!!!
{Please pretend that the cool banner is here} Thanks for the help Jen!
So it looks like I don’t know how to put the Blog party banner up. I’m a little (a lot) embarrassed. But here’s a link to 5 Minutes for Mom and they can tell you all about it. I have the banner up on my other blog because its a blogger blog and its very easy to add buttons and such. I really like this wordpress blog better but I need my hubby to help me more and he’s at work so I can’t get that help right this second. Oh well.
Anyway about this party. Welcome to any new people who got here by way of UBP. This is fun, I’ve never done a blog party before.
There are so many cool prizes to be won at this year’s Ultimate Blog Party, but my top three picks would be:
Ergo Baby Carrier
Provided by: A Giveaway Addicted Mommy
Prize Details: One winner will receive an Ergo Baby Carrier, Front Pouch & Backpack. Valued at $163
58 – Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer
Provided by: Moms Who Think
Prize details: From Amish Friendship Bread to Decadent Cheesecake and all the meals in between dessert, Moms Who Think has recipes you’ll love. We would like to donate a Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer to help make one lucky winner’s home cooking even easier. (winner’s choice of color, $349.99 retail value)
41 — Your choice of our Simply Precious Photo Tile Necklace ($110), or our key clasp style Boston Locket ($185)
Provide by: Elemental Memories
And if my top three picks are already chosen, I’d love any of the following (in order of preference):
53, 11, 75, 122, 19, 33, 21, 43, 22, 115, 26, 93, 118, 91 or anything else related to babies and young children since I have a 3 month old.
A little about myself. I’m a new Mom and just quit my job so now I’m a SAHM, which is a lot of fun. Lily is 12 weeks old and my entire world. She surprised us by coming 4 weeks early and she’s still a tiny thing. She’s still wearing her newborn sized diapers and clothes. I have a bunch of BumGenius 3.0 cloth diapers for her but she’s just too small for them. I think its just her shape because they claim to be good from 8 lbs to 35. I can’t wait till she does use them.
I’m married to my best friend in the world, Waldo. We have 3 cats and live in northwest Montana. We are really trying to “green” up our lives. That’s about all I can think of for now.
Thanks for stopping by, hope you come back soon.