Lily turned 16 weeks old yesterday and as usual I took a bunch of pictures and emailed the best ones off to Waldo (my Hubby). His response was that I needed to retake them. Lily looked like The Nanny. Has mostly kidding.
A little while later Lily’s outfit was covered in cat hair so I decided to change her and in the process humored Waldo and took more pictures. I’m so glad I did. I got some great shots.

16 weeks old

A little smile
And just so you can see The Nanny outfit.

I don't think Lily liked it either. 🙂

I shouldn’t admit to loving the leopard print leggings, BUT I DO. In a funny sort of “only a baby should be wearing those” kind of way :]
Oh, she’s so precious!!! I love the green outfit =)
I love the little dotty outfit (first picture) and I have to admit the “nanny” outfit is super cute – on your baby. 🙂 But yeah, she looks a little irked, haha!