Lily has started swearing and I kid you not, it’s the cutest thing EVER!
When she sees something amiss she puts a hand on her hip and says “Gonit!” I’m guessing it’s a Lily version of Doggonit that I’ve taken to using in place of my normal sailor speak. I have worked pretty hard to clean up my vocabulary when I’m around Lily (which is almost all the time) so I’m pretty pleased that she picked up on this word and not one of the less socially acceptable ones.
These pictures have nothing to do with the post, I just haven’t put up any new pictures lately. There from my phone so not the best, sorry.

hehe… that’s so cute. kids can say/do these things and its so cute. When my daughter was a baby she would let out the smallest farts and it was so cute. (at least i thought so)