I was waiting to post about Memorial Day because my friend was suppose to be uploading more pictures. Oh well I’ll just post those some other time. I need to get this out of my head before I forget about it.
On Sunday we had lots of help cleaning our old house. I was in charge of Lily (like usual) so I was very little help. Waldo and our friends did a great job, if it weren’t for the spiders and the smallness of the place I would have reconsidered moving.
After cleaning was all done we went to another friends house and had a little bar-b-q. Let me just say that its so nice having chefs for friends. We had amazing spicy chicken and steak sandwiches. And of course all the sides.
But really its about the pictures. So without further ado…
This is my friend *Jack (I forgot to ask if I could use real names so I’m using nicknames, I did remember to ask if it was ok to post the pictures, Yay me). I took what I think is a much better picture but he made me swear to use this one.
Jack is a chef at one of the local famous restaurants. He made mean steak sandwiches (I hear, I don’t eat steak).
This is Big Mac. He is a chef at the golf course restaurant.
He made the amazing chicken.
This is my man (Waldo). He cooks for us but for a living he is a geek.
This is B and R. B works with Jack and R is Jack’s girlfriend.
Here’s Jack’s dog Apollo
Chicken. Yum!
Big Mac manning the grill
My girl B
And the star of the show
*Changed his name as requested

Cheers for what looks like a very fun, lowkey Memorial Day =) Which is, of course, the perfect sort.
Looks like a great time! I wish I had chef friends, but I guess I will just have to keep working on my cooking skills 😉
Lily is so sweet! She looks so plump and healthy and I would eat her up w/bbq sauce.
She’s so cute! I love that little purple sweatsuit.
Grilled chicken is delicious, isn’t it? We just had that last night, in fact. My husband marinated some chicken strips in thai curry sauce, put it on the grill, and it turned out perfect. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.