We finally left California yesterday. We stayed in Reno last night. My internet connection is really spotty. I can’t get any of my work sites to load, they just time out, but my blog loads YAY.
We should be in Boise by this evening. I’m going to be so glad to be out of that uhaul. I’m sandwiched between Lily’s carseat and Waldo. It’s not totally uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t want to do it for much longer either.
Lily was a dream yesterday. We bought her 3 little $3 potato heads at Walmart before we left, but didn’t give them to her till we were on the road. She played with them just about all day yesterday. It seriously was the best $9 ever. Once it got too dark to play we set up the netbook on her lap (on a blanket to keep her from getting burned by the bottom) and she watched some Clifford the Big Red Dog episodes. She never got upset or complained once we were on the road and she stayed up till midnight without any drama. I’m so proud of her.