I am all caught up with my pictures and what’s been going on in our lives so all of these pictures are from over the last week. I’m sure excited and my goal is to keep caught up and on top of things. (I have a number of posts scheduled for the next few weeks)
Lily set up this scene the other day and when I asked what she was doing she told me she was taking pictures of her babies. I had to get in on the picture taking.
Silly Kitty.
Lily and I went out and checked on our strawberries and other garden growth. These were the only strawberries that were ready to eat.
The stupid birds and ants got to these poor guys.
I love these flowers in the backyard.
We found these mushrooms in the backyard.
Lily broke out into a dance in the backyard. I really need to get this kid in dance class again.
I took this picture because Waldo was running to the store for asparagus and I wanted him to grab these bars for me. I’m putting it here because they are delicious.
Lily did some breakfast art on her own.
I walked into the bathroom the other day and saw this in the office. My little Gamer Duo.
And my Gamer Girl.