Last night we read a book where the little person made a monster mask. This morning Lil made a party dinosaur mask.
Yesterday we had a very small swarm of bees on our front porch. One of the hazards of a bee keeper in the family.
Caged Lily. This is a family tradition I started with my little sister.
I’m buried under a bunch of stuff.
Working Lily Kitty
Lily with working Lily Kitty
Bathtub Kitty
Garden bounty
There are at least 8 melons hiding in there.
“Carrots come out of there”
After zoo ice cream
She’s super proud that the flower sticks to her nose when she inhales it
Do you mind, I’m trying to draw.
This pole was what she was trying to draw. I’ll update this post with the finished work of art later.
Bunny Lily making a paper bag jelly fish