I am totally obsessed with Pinterest and I think I’ve made that clear in my recent posts. Well here’s another idea I got from a Pin, I can’t find the link though. Anyway it’s totally easy. I got some 8×10 canvass at Hobby Lobby and some blue painters tape. I used the tape to shape Lily’s name, luckily her name is all straight lines. Another idea I saw was to use vinyl letters in place of the tape. Once the tape is all stuck down (and I had to keep pressing it down, it wanted to pop up so badly) Lily and I painted the canvases. I don’t normally paint with her, but I found with the last canvases she painted that if she left globs they cracked as they dried so I would spread the paint around. I also helped out because I wanted the whole canvases covered. Once the paint was dry we pulled the tape up. I love how they turned out. The paint bleed a bit under the tape, but I think it adds to the whimsy of the paintings.
She started out painting the tape, I had to explain a dozen times that the blue part was coming off and she needed to paint the white part. She finally got it.
Do you see the sideways cat?
Sorry about the blurry pictures.
I love how they turned out. We had a hard time deciding where to put them up and finally decided on the wall of the family room above the animal clings. I love how it all came out. This wall is right at the top of the stairs so it’s the first thing you see when you come up. It’s great.

What a great and fun idea!