I’m finding it very hard to get back in the saddle so to speak with blogging. For a while after my miscarrage it was hard to post because I hadn’t written my loss post and also because I just didn’t have a lot to say. Now that I’ve written my loss post I still don’t have much to say. I mean things are happening in our lives that really should be posted about; Halloween pumpkin patch, trick or treating, a trip to California, what prompted that trip, home preschooling; I just can’t seem to get out my head long enough to type anything. A wee bit of depression is probably the main issue, but I think we can’t dismiss my natural laziness. I have pictures upon pictures to post and things to say so I’m going to try and get back on the horse and start posting again. I’m hoping that this post will inspire me. We’ll see, but it’s always good to have hope.
Hmmm, I was going to add a picture of Lily right here to close the post, but I’m so far behind that I don’t even have any recent pictures on Flickr, so just imagine a picture of Lil.