I guess I haven’t blogged about the butterflies at the zoo before and I find that almost a crime. Every summer Zoo Boise has a beautiful butterfly exhibit. Lily is really hit or miss if she wants to see the butterflies so we only went a few times this season. I think Lil doesn’t like the idea of the butterflies landing on her; although she seems to be getting over that, because she’s getting more excited about the beauty of the butterflies. She also hates crowds especially in small spaces, she comes by that naturally.
These are some of the pictures I took the last time we went through the butterfly exhibit.
The outside of the wings.
The inside. Amazing!
I believe that this next guy is a glasswing. When his wings are open the middles are translucent. It’s really neat.
The butterflies were retired this Monday for another year. I’m so glad that we got to see them the few times that we did and I already can’t wait till next year.