We went on a little vacation and all I have to show for it is some pictures. Is anyone surprised? I’m not. Part 1

Part of the reason I’ve been so quiet here is that my little family went on a vacation. We decided we needed to see our chosen family and road tripped it to Montana. Unfortunately my BFF decided to move to Portland about 6 weeks ago so we had to change our plans and shorten our Montana time so we could stop by Portland on our way home. More on how that turned out later.

Waldo and I know our child. She doesn’t like change. So we started prepping her with excitement for our trip ahead of time and it was working. She was so looking forward to seeing ‘our friends’ and staying at motels and driving and driving and driving. Then the night before the big day she asked why Daddy was showing Papa something in the office. I explained the Papa was going to take care of Kitty while we were gone and I guess that was the first time that we thought to mention the fact that Kitty wasn’t going with us. She melted down. She was already missing Kitty. Oh woe is me. Life will never be worth living again without kitty being with us. And on and on. I finally asked if it would be ok to take some pictures of Kitty to have with us and whenever she was missing Kitty she could look at the pictures. “Oh, Mama, that is the best idea ever.”

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

She never asked to look at the pictures once. Out of sight, out of mind I guess.

For the weeks leading up to the big day I thought about what all we needed to bring, I planned, shopped, schemed and baked. Oh how I baked, but more on that later too. One of the big things I was worried about was keeping a 3 1/2 year old happy in the car for hours at a time. I decided to take a page from our December plane trip and bought Lil some new things that she wouldn’t get till we were on our way and I’d space them out, giving her one at a time when she really needed something new to do. It was like friggin Christmas over here. Except so far we’ve kept Christmas much lighter present-wise than I did this trip. We didn’t really buy anything expensive, but a nice selection of things that I thought would keep her occupied and make her use her brain/imagination. It worked great and I still have a few of the trip toys tucked away for the future.

One of the things that I wanted for the trip was a little backpack for Lily to keep all of her stuff in and I wanted to sew it. Waldo helped me realize I didn’t have time for another project mainly due to the high volume of baking I was planning. So I asked Waldo’s Mom if she would make the backpack and she agreed. I found the pattern on Pinterest (of course) and the Fancy Nancy fabric at Hobby Lobby (but not on a Sunday of course) and it turned out so adorable. Sorry this picture mostly sucks, its the only one I have of the backpack.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

The drive went surprisingly well. We stopped for potty and leg stretching breaks often and did a little sight seeing. This picture was taken at the edge of Idaho and it was a bit of all three.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

We had stopped for lunch in Riggins, ID, which is the hometown of one of my best girlfriends, Paula. More about Paula in a second.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

One of the things that I made sure Lily had on our adventure was a lot of drawing options. I picked up a last minute notebook from Target on our way out of town. I gave it to Lil at lunch and she loved it.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

After lunch it took a few hours, but soon we were out of Idaho. This was Lily and Waldo at Lolo Pass. They were in Idaho looking at Montana.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Hello Montana!

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Our first overnight stop was Missoula Montana. Waldo lived there when he first moved to MT 16-ish years ago and I’ve visited the city a number of times so getting there made the fact that we were in Montana very real. It was very exciting.

The most important thing on this trip was visiting with as many of our friends as possible. Our first friend visit was breakfast with Erin. I’m not 100% sure, but I think the last time we saw Erin was when she visited us in the hospital after Lil was born.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

After Erin we went to visit my friend Paula (the one who grew up in Riggins, ID). Paula has a little girl; Emma, who is 2 weeks older than Lil. The last time we saw Paula was Emma’s baby shower almost 4 years ago. Even with that long time between visits you would never know it, we fell back so easily into our old conversations and patterns. It was amazing.

Paula and her husband Steve have their daughter Emma and a 18 month old boy named Brady. Brady went down for a nap right after we got there.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Emma wasn’t interested in taking a picture with us at all. After Paula put Emma down I should have put Lil down and taken a picture just the two of us, but it didn’t even occur to me until days later. I’m slow like that some days.

Emma was cool with this picture though.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

We spent about 2 1/2 hours with Paula and her family. Lily and Emma played on opposite ends of the living room the entire time. As per normal Lily wanted Waldo or myself right next to her while she played so I sat on the floor and talked to Paula. At one point Lil sat on my lap and I handed my phone to Paula. I was so impressed with this picture she captured.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

As we were leaving I snagged this picture of 3/4 of Paula’s family.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Spending time with Paula makes me miss her so much more than I already did. She commented I think more than once that she wished we were neighbors so our girls could play and so could we. I feel the same way.

After leaving Paula’s we headed out on the road again. We drove to Whitefish, which was our ultimate destination. It was only about a 3 hour drive and we were so glad for the short drive, especially since Waldo and I had made the trip between Missoula and Whitefish so many times in the past.

We stopped at a McDonalds to grab a quick bite to eat and use the restrooms. Lil saw the play area and was intrigued. She’s never played in any indoor play places before so we let her for a few minutes.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

As soon as other kids headed for the play area it was time to leave. She wanted nothing to do with them, which is very usual for her.

After we got to our motel and brought ALL of our stuff* in we had time to kill so we went to a park. I lived down the street from this park for 8 years and I always dreamed of the day my kid would get to play there so it was great to see my Girl at the park.

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

Vacation 2012 ~ Montana Adventures

I’m going to stop here since this post has gotten out of hand and it so picture heavy. Part 2 will also be picture heavy so I don’t want to clog up the internet tubes too much.

*I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of all of our luggage together. I believe we had 11 bags, 4 boxes, 1 ice chest, my purse and a few other odds and ends. Crazy!

Garden bounty

A few days ago David (my father in law) decided to dig up one of the potato plants to see how it was coming along because the top was starting to die. The potatoes were perfect. I couldn’t believe something so perfect could grow from a cut up piece of sprouting potato that I almost threw away.

Because Waldo’s sister Christy and her son Jude were coming we didn’t get a chance to dig up any more potatoes till today. Jude totally helped and the kids (along with Grandpa) had a lot of fun.

Digging potatoes

Lily diging up potatoes

Jude helping to dig up potatoes

We dug up all of the white potatoes and picked a few orange tomatoes. In a week or two we’ll have a bunch of russet potatoes too.

Today's garden bounty

Painting with Water

Like I said yesterday Lil’s cousins Brock and Bryce were over a few days ago.  After they finished their Popsicles they wanted to make a tent out of the sheet they had been using to sit on while eating their snacks.  While Rita (My Mother in Law) was making the tent I grabbed 3 paint brushes that I wouldn’t mind if the bristles got ruined, some sidewalk chalk and two bowls of water.  I put the bowls down on the patio and laid the brushes in the bowls. I explained to the kids that they were painting water and told them to have fun. They all loved the idea of painting and started making designs on the patio.  Once Rita was done with the tent they even started painting the tent sheet.  Brock (almost 4) was happily painting away, but kept saying to me “why are we using water? My Mom has paint for us to paint with”. I laughed and said that I have paint too, but today we were doing something different. He probably brought it up 4 or 5 times. I thought it was hilarious that he was totally having fun with the water, but wanted to know where the paint really was. I had a couple of opportunities to point out that if we had been using real paint we couldn’t do this or that and he still wanted to know where the paint was.

I highly recommend this activity.  It kept the three of them busy for 30 or more minutes and I only had to break up a few squabbles.

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

After a while Lily decided to try the broom as a painting tool.

Painting with water and a broom

Painting with water and a broom

Painting with water and a broom

She seemed satisfied with the broom, but I think my bowls were just way too small.

Painting with water and a broom

Of course in the end everyone ended up inside the tent. And no one ever touched the sidewalk chalk.

In a tent

I’d say this gets a 10 out of 10 crayons. It’s easy, cheap, has a very low mess factor, and everyone loved it.

Popsicles made less messy

I had a brilliant moment a few days ago and I know I’m not inventing the wheel here, but I had to share.

Lil’s cousins Brock and Bryce were visiting and they had just got back from the park with my In-laws. The kids were hot and wanted a snack. I had made Lil some strawberry banana surprise Popsicles a few days before so I gave each of them one and we all went out to the backyard to keep the mess down.  Brock was sitting on a sheet with my Mother in Law when he started complaining that he didn’t like how the popsicle juice was getting on his arm. I had a flash of brilliance, I went inside and grabbed 3 small paper plates from the pantry and made a slit in the middle with a sharp paring knife. I went outside, asked Brock for his popsicle and popped it in the slit. He was thrilled. My Mother in Law was amazed and I was pretty darn happy since cleanup just got a lot easier. I put Lily and Bryce’s popsicles on a plate too and everyone was happy.

Eating popsicles

Brock and his Popsicle


Eating popsicles

Lil and her Popsicle


Eating popsicles

Lily and Bryce with their Popsicles

Like I said I didn’t invent this, I have seen people put candles through paper plates for vigils and I’ve seen ear candles the same way. I just haven’t seen popsicles like this before. With Summer and the hot weather coming up I thought some people might find this useful.

Oh and the Strawberry and banana surprise popsicles couldn’t be easier to make. I put a banana in my small food processor along with some sliced up strawberries. Once it was all chopped up I added some plain yogurt and a splash of orange juice. Pulsed it again to mix it together and spooned it into my new popsicle molds. I highly recommend the molds by the way, they are super sturdy and way cute.

We took a little trip

On Wednesday a few weeks ago our boss emailed Waldo and offered to fly us all to Montana for the weekend so we could attend the office Christmas party. He offered last year but we couldn’t accept because the party was the same weekend as Lily’s birthday party and I had worked too hard on that party to give it up. This year we had no reason not to take Fred up on his offer and we also couldn’t turn down a chance to see our friends.  Lily hadn’t flown before so I was a little concerned about how she’d do on the plane. Neither Waldo or I were excited about the security crap at the airport, but we have missed the little family we made for ourselves in Montana so we put our fears aside and took the leap. We had a free place to stay, free airfare and we found a good price on a rental car, we were set.

Thursday night we worked like mad getting ready. I made sure that I had a lot of snacks for Lily, luckily I had just dehydrated a bunch of apples, pears and bananas the day before so we were set. We ran to Target and got Lily a little travel drawing thing to keep her occupied and we made sure her netbook was packed with her favorite movies and tv shows.

Whitefish, MT 12/16/11

I laminated a free internet coloring page and she used her dry erase crayons on it and had a blast. I wish I would have thought of doing this before we bought the $10 travel dry erase board. I would have just bought the $4.00 dry erase crayons and been done with it.

Whitefish, MT 12/16/11

I had her look out the window when we were above the clouds once. She thought it was neat, but wasn’t nearly as excited as I had expected her to be.  This was pretty much the first and last time she looked out the window.

Whitefish, MT 12/16/11

We got off the plane and Lil was still in a wonderful mood even without a nap.  Waldo called the rental car guy and he drove over to pick us up and take us back to his office.  When Lil saw us putting her car seat into a strange car, with a strange man driving, she lost it.  She just melted into a puddle of sad Lilyness right there in the snow she had been so excited about.  We had to force her into her seat and after a while she fell asleep while we drove to the rental office. I felt bad for the rental car guy, but he said that he has a 3 year old so his ears are used to the high pitch scream.

When we got to the place we were staying Lil woke up and the meltdown continued. For a little while we weren’t sure if I’d be able to go to the office Christmas party, which was the whole reason we were flown to Montana.   We tried everything we could think of, but nothing worked until I used my magic bullet.  I nursed her for about 5 minutes and she calmed right down.  Lil wasn’t completely over it, if we said the wrong thing or tried too hard to get her to do something she would melt a little again, but we were able to calm her.  Once she was mostly calm we all got ready and somehow got her back in her car seat and off to the party we went.  It was at a restaurant that we weren’t familiar with so we got a little lost.  That was embarrassing, but we got there eventually and it just became a joke pretty soon.  Lily was great at the party, her normal shy, but super cute self.  We kept her up way too late, but even on the drive back to the house we were staying at she did great.

The next morning we got down to the real business of why Waldo and I wanted to go back so badly.  We went to breakfast with our chosen family.  We picked Jack and Becky up at their house and drove to the Buffalo Cafe, our favorite place to eat in Whitefish.  Some of our other friends met us there for breakfast: Malcolm, Gil, and Gil’s new girlfriend Rachael.

While I was getting Lily’s bib and highchair cover out of the trunk Becky asked Lil if she could pick her up.  Lil said yes and Becky carried her most of the way to the restaurant.  This is huge for our reserved, shy girl.  She never lets anyone pick her up, but Lily and Becky go way back and even if we haven’t seen Becky for a year and a half, we talk about her all the time.  Becky is my best friend and it’s perfect that she’s dating Waldo’s best friend (and hetero life mate) Jack.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

I had to grab a picture of downtown Whitefish.  A better version of this picture is on postcards all over the place.  It’s so beautiful; the boughs and bells, Big Mountain in the background.  This is one of the thing that is so nice about living in a tourist heavy city, the city really makes an effort to be beautiful.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Lily was the star of the show at breakfast, and she ate just about everybody’s orange slices.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Gil tried on Lil’s sunglasses.  It was really, really bright in that corner.
Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

We have sat at this table before in any number of combinations of these people and it was just as wonderful as I remembered and had expected it to be. It was so nice to get to be ourselves with these people who love us for just who we are.  We don’t have to wear any masks.  Even Rachel who I met minutes earlier got to see more of me then anyone in California or Idaho has with the exception of Waldo of course.  Rachael and I chatted and made small-talk over scrambled eggs, I hate small-talk normally, but it was pretty easy with Rachael.  With everyone else it was like being home again.  The conversations flowed just like they have for the last 14 or so years.  Jack, Malcolm and Becky were on the left of Lily and I; reminiscing about the previous nights laughs and shenanigans.  Waldo, Gil and Rachael on the right of Lily and me, talking about servers and end users suckage and I chatted with this group or that.  Everyones conversations overlapping, a friend tossing more info in the other conversation and then back to your own.  It was great. It was home.

A little tid-bit of knowledge: I lived in the apartment above the store on Becky’s right (that you can’t see) for 8 years when we first moved to Montana.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

After breakfast Lily, Waldo, Jack, Becky and I went back to Jack and Becky’s house.  Lily dropped her sunglasses in the snow and wasn’t at all happy with the snow on her glasses and shirt.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Lil is still reserved around Jack and he was trying hard to get her on his side.  I can’t describe how much this picture melts my heart.  Jack may be Waldo’s hetero life mate, but Jack and I have a great friendship ourselves and seeing this rather sweet moment just makes me so happy.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

A different view of Big Mountain.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Lily really, really, really wanted to play in the snow so I took her outside and Becky came out, but didn’t plan on staying.  Lily asked her to play and she couldn’t turn her down of course.  I took the chance to take a ton of pictures.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Lily made a couple of snow angles.  The snow angles even had the puff balls from her hat, they were so cute.  Unfortunately the pictures without Lil didn’t turn out great.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Becky was helping Lil make a little snowman.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

After a while Waldo, Lily and I made a quick trip to visit one of my former co-workers and friend Starr.  When we got back Jack, Becky, Waldo, Lily and I all went to lunch and had a great time just being together.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Jack doesn’t like getting his picture taken.  Honestly Becky doesn’t either, but I like the pictures I have of them.  Since we only get to see them once in a great while I like having the reminders of what their hats faces look like.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

I had Becky take a picture of us. I don’t like just about any picture I’m in either, but I try to get over it so there’s a few pictures of me with Lil or our whole family together.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

Becky has a thing for Legos.  And by thing I mean full-blown obsession.  Here’s Lil with Becky’s Lego-man lantern.  Sorry about the weird picture, the light wasn’t great in the house and my phone doesn’t take very good low light pictures.

Whitefish, MT 12/17/11

We finally made ourselves leave Becky and Jack’s much later then we had planned, but we just couldn’t pull ourselves away any sooner.

The next morning we had breakfast with our friends Anthony, Maggie and their 2 1/2 year old Conrad, and Jesse, Jamison and their 9 month old daughter Teagen. We all had a great breakfast at a place that Waldo and I had never been to, but I can tell you that we will visit that place again.  Jesse and Jamison had plans for the day so they left after breakfast and the rest of us went back to Anthony and Maggie’s.  It was really nice, we hung out and caught up on old times.  I can’t believe that I didn’t get a single picture.  Later that afternoon we headed back to the airport.  Lily had just as good a flight on the way home as she did on the way to Montana.  I really couldn’t have asked for more.

I have to say that we had a great time and I miss all of our fiends in Montana, but I was so glad to get home and back to our bed.  Hopefully we will get to see them all again sooner rather then later.

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