365 amazing little seconds

1 second video Aug 20, 2015 - Aug 20, 2016

In the middle of the night I write the best posts while laying in bed and can’t possibly writing anything down and can’t remember any part of it. It makes me so sad. I had the best stuff going through my head about this and now I’m just writing this drivel.

Anyway I used the app 1 Second everyday to compile this video and I’m so glad I stuck with it. I love this video and can’t wait to see next years.

Monday, Funday

We woke up to our first bit of Montana snow this morning. It had started around 8 last night as what was reported to one of my friends by a cashier as The Storm Of the Century. The wind was howling and the snow was coming sideways. In the end there was only a thin layer of snow on the ground this morning. If that was the storm of the century this is going to be a nice calm winter and I’ll be so happy.

Somehow after getting over her initial excitement about the snow Lil’s attitude deteriorated and we spent the first almost 30 minutes of the morning in tears (hers) and grumps (again hers) and frustration (both of us) so I decided to change my plans for school today. I was originally going to do language and reading practice and some math in the morning. I changed my mind to do fun creative art type stuff. Lil is so creative I figured the creative outlet would help get rid of the grumps. It worked like a charm.

First I gathered some snow in a 9×13 cake dish and set up Lil’s water paints.  While she molded the snow into a snowman (shocking) and then painted it I worked on making some playdough. She loves painting snow and spent quite a bit of time making a whole scene out of the pan. The she decided to see if she could make ice out of the snow by putting it in water. We talked about the science of what happened when she put her snow in the water and it was very interesting.

I was trying out a new playdough recipe and was still working on it when she finished her painting. She proceeded to dance around the kitchen counting to 118 for me and then counting by 10 and then singing the days of the week. This is the stuff I love about homeschooling Lil. Even when we aren’t doing a real lesson there’s still learning happening all day everyday, it’s awesome.

I made this huge batch of playdough by the recipe because I wanted to see how it worked out naturally. Let me just say I should have gone with my intuition and made a 1/2 batch or something because I have a huge mountain of orange playdough with orange glitter. Normally I make my playdough plain and then separate it into smaller amounts and then add the food coloring to it before I knead it. This works fine with my normal recipe, but like I said I wanted to make this recipe the way the author intended first. So I only made one color and Lil chose orange. I should mention that this is a 5 cup of flour recipe, it really did make a mountain of dough. Before I kneaded it and it became smooth it looked like someone had dumped a bunch of sweet potato mashed potatoes on my counter (and added glitter). I really do like the texture of this recipe and will be trying it again, but my way to see if it works out. Of course my way ends up with me having very colorful hands for a few hours, but I’d rather that then so much of one color.

With Thanksgiving being around the corner I decided to have her make a playdough turkey. I cut a (really bad) turkey body out of brown construction paper and she added to it. She loved it!

Then she made a turkey in her hand, I think it’s suppose to be like when you do a hand outline to make a turkey. That’s my best guess.

Then she made a dog.

After the dog she asked me what to make next. I don’t know where it came from, but I told her to make a ostrich. She said she couldn’t because she couldn’t remember what they looked like. I pulled up Google on my phone and found her some pictures. I think she did a great job with it.

He’s hopping if you couldn’t tell. I think she made a hippo in a pond and a bunny that I didn’t get pictures of. I’m sure more playdough fun will be happening soon.

Lily and her Papa having fun

Lily has so much fun with her Papa. She’s very lucky to have him and truth be told we’re lucky to have him because he keeps her entertained while we make dinner most nights among other reasons. I was making dinner the other day and heard Lily giggling her head off. She yelled for me to come and see so I did. This is what I found.

Lily made my birthday special

I turned 38 at the end of March. It was a Monday and Lily was none too pleased when she asked “what special things we were going to do for my birthday” and I told her “nothing until dinner. The rest of the day was going to be normal except for birthday creme brulee after lunch”. Oh No. Lily wasn’t having any of this. She wanted my birthday to be special, like I make her birthdays fun and special. She wouldn’t allow us to go to the library for her little art class even though I begged and pleaded. No way was I going to tell her why I love my Monday morning’s at the library, she gets to do art for about 30 minutes and I get to sit next to a usually sunny window and read my book in relative peace. Bliss. Nope, art is fun for her and we aren’t doing that on my birthday. Fine.

To help make my birthday special Lily decorated the house for me. She asked for the crape paper I keep in the closet and went to town. There was a string of crape paper here and there and a few other on the other wall. This one was my favorite though.

She also made me a wonderful birthday card and best of all a special birthday song and dance.

I made creme brulee for my birthday. I had never had it before, but always wanted to eat it and best of all make it. I mean I got to buy a torch for it. Best thing ever. The creme brulee was amazingly yummy and pretty easy to make.

We did our usual thing and went out to dinner for my birthday. We went to Flatbread Pizza Oven and it was so yummy. I thought I had taken a bunch few pictures, but couldn’t find them. Oh well, who really wants to see our amazing pizza and salad when you could see the pictures we took before we left the house?

Lily and her arm. Silly kid.

Lily insisted that we take a picture with Clarice so we went all out. She was taking the picture so we figured she got to pose us.


My birthday was very special because I spent it with the ones I love the most. I have no complaints.

Another trip to Montana part 2

This is really late in coming, but I need to finish it. Part 2 of our last trip to Montana.

Montana Trip July 2013

Lily continues draw her way across the country. She drew this for Becky.

Montana Trip July 2013

We went by the Credit Union to say Hi to my friends and Lily decorated Waldo with their toys.

Montana Trip July 2013

There was more Kinect Party at Anthony’s house.

We went and had dinner at our friends house. Anne and Dave. They have three very sweet girls, 14, 7 and 1. Lily had a great time playing with Allie their 4 year old and Waldo and I had a blast with Anne and Dave. Somehow I managed to not take any pictures of this event and I’m still kicking myself for it. Waldo even mentioned at one point to Dave he was sure I would be taking a complete ridiculous amount of pictures. Major fail.

Montana Trip July 2013

On the way back to Gil’s from Anne and Dave’s we saw some wild turkeys. I took a fricking picture of the turkeys. Kids having fun – No, turkeys – Yes. I told you, fail.

Montana Trip July 2013

In the tradition of last year we went to the park to feed ducks. Jack was suppose to go with us, but he ended up having something to do.

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

I took the opportunity to take some cute pictures of Lily.

Montana Trip July 2013

That evening we went to a party with some old friends and some internet friends that we met for the first time. It was a little odd, but mostly fun.

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

We had to have breakfast at The Buffalo Cafe again.

Montana Trip July 2013

The main reason we went to Montana was to go to our company picnic. Lily loved our boss’s dogs.

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Lily lucked out when we visited our friend Jesse and Sheila. They gave Lily a few of their daughter’s old toys.

Montana Trip July 2013

Saying goodbye to Becky sucked.

Montana Trip July 2013

Montana Trip July 2013

Don’t let her look fool you, she’s having a blast on that horse.

Driving home was uneventful, but so much fun because we always have fun on road trips together.

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