Father’s Day Car Wash

Yep, still running way behind on posting things. I think I’m just going to give up and accept that I will never post things in a timely fashion and be fine with that.

On Father’s Day we decided to go out and wash our car. Way to give Waldo a day off, LOL. Oh well, it’s a nice way to spent time together and the car looks so much better when we’re done.

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

At some point Lily just starts beating our car clean.

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

At one point while I was rinsing the car Lily and Waldo climbed into Waldo’s Dad’s truck and this is what I found. Way too cute.

After we finished our car we washed my Father in Law’s for Father’s Day.

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

I took a lot of pictures during the car washing, but I also grabbed a few of Lil in my FIL’s truck and these are some of my favorite pictures of Lil that I’ve taken in a while.

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

Father's Day car wash

Backward airplane

I don’t know what else to call it, but backward airplane seems to sort of work. Anyway Lil loves to stand in my hands and then once she grabs my feet I lift her up and once up in the air she lets go of my feet and sort of growls. This is her new favorite thing and she wants to do it all. the. time.

Last week she wanted me to take a picture of her doing this little trick. It was very hard to get it, but I decided to try and get a video while I was at it. My phone was laying on my belly since I didn’t have any extra hands to hold the phone. I took like 6 videos and only two were sort of ok and I decided to only share this one.

Random Mobile Shots

We got Lil a new bathing suit. I think it’s adorable.

Lily's new bathing suit

There’s no pictures of Lil anymore without her doing some dramatic pose of one kind or another.


Lily set up a tea party for her new baby, Big Baby.

Lily having tea with Big Baby

Lil loves these chopsticks and was super proud of herself for giving them shoes. I don’t normally let her play with her food, but come on, noodle shoes are a must.

Her chopstick now has feet

Her chopstick now has feet

We are making a last minute trip to CA for my grandmother’s funeral. This is about half the food we took with us.

About 1/2 the food we are taking on our trip to CA

More food art. I made a muffin with honey in Lil’s cream of wheat.

food art

Lily improved it with the blueberries.

food art

Would you like some tea?

For most of Lily’s life every once in a while she will talk with a little southern accent. It’s super cute, but I have no idea where she got it from.  A few weeks ago Lily started saying a few things with a slight British accent. I know where she got this from. The lady in the yoga video she loves on youtube has an accent as does the characters from Guess with Jess. I love this so much. I have a thing for British accents and having it come out of my kid is adorable.  My chosen sister Becky however hates the Britts. I don’t know why, we haven’t ever talked about because I don’t want to have to divorce her.

This first video is how Lily usually says this little phrase.

I had Lily do this one special for Aunt Becky.

This one’s just for you Becks!