I don’t have issues with laundry like a lot of people. I can admit it’s not my favorite thing in the world to do, but I don’t hate it like some people do. I would much rather do laundry than mop floors any day of the week. Gah, I hate doing floors.
Laundry, much like just about everything else in our lives I have worked really hard to make it as natural as possible. I searched high and low for good laundry soap. I have a hard time with soap because I don’t want my laundry to smell. Keep your flowery scents, your outdoor, cotton, fresh linen or what ever else you can think of scents, I don’t want them. I want my laundry to smell neutral and it’s hard to find. We have used a lot of different soaps and detergents over the years and have settled on Cal Ben 5 star soap.
I stopped using fabric softener years ago. Partially because I’ve heard it was full of nasty chemicals and was really bad for you and partially again for the smell thing. To make up for the lack of fabric softener liquid or sheets I add vinegar to my washer during the rinse. It really helps, but it’s not perfect.
A few months ago I read a blog and the blogger is a cloth diaperer and she uses wool balls in the dryer to help with the drying. I have heard of dryer balls before, but hadn’t put much thought into them. After reading that blog I started to really pay attention to dryer balls. A few weeks later I was offered the chance to test out some Woolzies wool dryer balls. They claim to help with static and wrinkles and to cut drying time by 25%.
I’ve used the Woolzies for about a month now and I have to say that I don’t really see the shortened drying time, but I have noticed a decrease in static and wrinkles and I so appreciate that. At first I didn’t think that I noticed any difference using the Woolzies so I did a few loads without them and that was when I really could tell the difference. I am now a wool dryer ball believer and use them every time.
I was sent a set of Woolzies wool dryer balls for free, but the opinions are all mine.

I can’t believe I just read this.
You sure did. And thank you for doing it. ๐