I decided that I need some happy thoughts after last month’s hits so here’s some.
*Lily has started doing this really cute thing where she just breaks out in song all the time now. The best part is that she’s not singing songs that she’s heard, she’s singing about things that she’s doing. She will make up little songs about cleaning up her toys or what she’s drawing or getting dressed. It’s adorable.
*Waldo is my rock. He’s always there for me when I need him and I couldn’t do it all without him.
*This morning during a very emotional moment Waldo told me that I meant the world to him. It’s making me tear up just writing it. I feel the same way about him.
*Lily loves to dance. She will dance anywhere and everywhere. Often when we are eating dinner Waldo’s Dad will have the TV on and Lily will just start dancing in her seat to what ever commercial or whatever. It’s super cute, except maybe when I’d rather her be eating her broccoli.
*I’m back to making lip balm and other beauty products and I love it. I would much rather make something if I can then buy it.

“*Waldo is my rock. He’s always there for me when I need him and I couldn’t do it all without him.”
Thanks hon, I couldn’t do it without you either. 🙂