I put Lily in her crib so I could fold a couple towels. She was in a sitting position and decided that she wanted to try something new. I shouldn’t have been surprised because she pulls herself up on our fingers all the time, but I was. I ran and got the camera and put her in a sitting position again. Instantly she stood up again.
Once she fell over she couldn’t figure out how to get her hands high enough to pull up again so I put her on her butt again so I could record it again.
Standiing in her crib from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.
Her crib has been at its lowest since the family visit (btw I promise I’m working on part 2 and will publish it soon) because Jude slept in it. I had been planning on moving it back up but hadn’t yet, I guess I won’t bother now.

Wow! Amelia and I watched the video about five times this evening. Amelia kept squealing and laughing as she was watching Lily!
Go Lily!! Next thing she will be standing on her own!