I might have said this before, but for most of my life I couldn’t have cared less about holidays. Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and yes even Christmas didn’t get much acknowledgment from me. I would tell people “Happy insert holiday here”, but I didn’t decorate much or really go out of my way to celebrate. When people would ask about my apathy I would tell them that when I had kids I’d care, but for now I just don’t have it in me to give a crap. And you know what? I was right. Now I’m all about making the holidays great for Lil.
We paint eggs and do the whole hide and hunt thing for Easter. We make little turkeys out of toilet paper tubes and say what we’re grateful for on Thanksgiving. And then there’s Christmas. We hang lights and decorate the trees and we put little nick nacks around the house and I take tons and tons of pictures. Some of the pictures are just for fun, but some of them are for our Holiday Card. I love the beautiful colorful picture cards and we’ve done one each year of Lil’s life. Well not the first year when she was only 3 days old on Christmas, but every year since and it’s one of my favorite things. We put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving, it was in my opinion a much better way to spend black Friday, but to each their own. While doing the tree and then after it was complete I took pictures and some of them I just love and may have already found our card picture.
This year I’m loving all the cards from Minted. There are so many to choose from that I don’t know how I’m going to narrow it down, but it’s going to be a fun task.
Traditionally I’ve gone for cards with multiple pictures, I like being able to really show Lily off. This year however I think I’m just going to find a card with one picture and really showcase that one great shot. I guess we’ll see how it goes since in the end it’s really all about the card that speaks most to me.
Some of my current favorites are:
I love that it’s a ornament. It’s just precious.
With this one you can change the edge shape (awesome) and the color combination.
Oh, I just realized that you can change the edge shape on almost all of the cards. What a great feature.
What a cute card for newlyweds. I love it and wish Waldo and I had done something like this when we first got married.
I love this design for multiple pictures.
There’s just something about the light strand that does it for me.
If you get a card from me don’t be surprised if you see one of these designs in your mailbox. Oh and by the way it will probably arrive sometime in January because that’s just how I do things.
*Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for Minted.com; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

I like Happy Everything! Maybe I’ll use that for next year!