This is truely a Waldoisms, as my husband came up with it in reference to Lily’s teensy-ness. When we’re out and about we hear a lot of “oh she’s new” or “how tiny” and that sort of thing. One day Waldo said that people can’t get over her teensatude. I thought it was really cute.

My teensy girl

Sounds like a perfect way to describe it! She’s adorable!
Yes, it is.
Twitter: AboutParenting
She’s so sweet and teeny! 🙂 But look at those kissable cheeks.
So cute and tiny! I can’t believe my daughter was ever that tiny… wait, was she? I think she was 23 inches when she was born, lol. Maybe it was 21. No maybe it was 19. Time to get the baby book out!
I LOVE that! We “make up” a lot of words in our house too. 🙂
Lately, when our 2-year-old is extra grumpy, we say, “you’re not a member of the grumperazzi, are you?”
Silly, I know…