Our little family

For weeks I have been trying to get a family picture.  Obviously I hadn’t tried too hard.  Finally this Sunday I got my wish.

Our family

Our family

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2 thoughts on “Our little family

  1. I just noticed you entered one of my giveaways on Everything ‘In the Kitchen’ Up Close and saw your twitter profile which led me to your blog! I love all the pictures. Your daughter is so precious. I like the comparison of 10wk ultrasound and 10wk’s old…great idea for a post. Also, great family picture! I look forward to reading more of your comments and posts! Enjoy your weekend. 🙂

    • Hi Ilissa,
      Thank you for your kind words. I love taking pictures of Lily and try to include them in just about every post. I’m glad you like them.
      You have really nice blogs.
      I hope you enjoy your weekend too.

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