My little yogi

I have always loved yoga. I don’t do it that often, but I have done it a handful of times with Lil or at least she’s seen me do it. Every once in a while she’ll say she wants to do some yoga so we’ll do a few minutes and then she loses interest. A few days ago she was hanging out with Waldo while I worked and she walked in all the sudden and informed me that she wanted to do some yoga so she put on her ballet tutu and wanted to know if she could use my yoga mat. I told her where it was and then the next thing I know I get a text from Waldo with this picture attached.

Lily yoga

We texted back and forth about this for a minute and then he texted me ‘I can’t believe you’re missing this’. I couldn’t believe I was missing it either so I got up and walked the huge distance to the bedroom and couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Lily told waldo to find a yoga video online for her. He found a really good one, turned it on and she totally did the whole 15 minutes and then asked for more. She ended up doing about 30 minutes of yoga and kept wanting to do more. It was one of those great moments for me. I can’t wait to do more yoga with my kiddo.

If the zoo really did hold a talent show Lily would win

I think Olivia has an episode about talent shows so for a while Lily was all about them. It goes along perfectly with Lil’s love of dance. These days when she hears a song she likes she can’t help but dance to it, even if it’s just to wiggle her shoulders. I love this trait and hope that she keeps it.

This was at the zoo a month or two ago. The zoo has this great African musical instrument outside the lion exhibit. Lil never even noticed it till a few months ago, now it’s her favorite thing there. In these videos Waldo is laying down the mad beats with the neat instrument.

*Sorry the second video is sideways. I told youtube to turn it and it says ok, then it’s all f-you, I’m not doing S for you.  Man having a three year old is playing havoc with my language.

I guess in the end youtube did what I asked, yay!

Hula Kitty

While we were making our weekly pilgrimage to Target this weekend I picked up a pink grass skirt for Lil. I thought it would make a good addition to her dress up truck. Boy was I right. She put it on right when we got home. I pulled up some youtube videos of Hula dancers and Lil loved it (which doesn’t surprise me because I LOVE all things Hawaii) and before I knew it Lil was trying to Hula.

Sorry that this is such a low quality video. I took it with my new (wonderful) phone and didn’t realize that the video quality was almost at it’s lowest setting. I have fixed that now.

Stuff that makes me LOL

I freely admit that I liked 50 Shades Of Grey. It was a fun read, even with all of the bad writing.

I saw this on another blog and it made me giggle like a school girl.

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