From the time that I was pregnant I had planned to limit Lily’s TV time and we did a pretty good job of it… until now. We had showed Lily some clips from Yo Gabba Gabba a few times over the last six months or so and she really showed no interest. Then a few weeks ago Waldo turned on a episode on the living room tv and I think Lily finally saw all the dancing and now she’s head over heals addicted. We didn’t know how strong the addiction was until later in the day when she came up to me and pointed to my computer and said “Dabba Dabba”. I was shocked! Now she asks for it on the TV, our computers and our phones all the time. Sometimes we give in, sometimes we don’t.
The first I had heard of YGG was a clip I saw on Whoorl and I thought it was crazy.
I showed it to Waldo and he loved it. It is so colorful and good natured and old school that he knew he wanted to share it with Lily. After I saw another episode I knew I loved it too. I even saw a episode where they were telling kids not to eat things off the ground, I mean really, I am forever saying “we don’t eat floor food”, there is no three second rule in our house.
Each episode is full of good kid friendly lessons, dancing and music and sometimes really cool bands and actors.
Lily is in good company when it comes to her YGG addiction. I know that Gretchen, Maia and Em are also hug fans.

Ha! Welcome to the club, mama! We have FORTY episodes on our DVR. In the middle of a YGG episode, Em hands me the remote and asks, “Yo Gabba?” And I respond, “It’s ALREADY ON!”
Madness, but thankfully my husband and I like it, too.
I can’t wait till Snort & Coconut wake up so I can watch these clips!